Women in POSEIDON Podcast- Episode 3

Stay tuned for the third episode of IN HER SHOES podcast where you will hear interesting story of a Nerea Zabala, involved in POSEIDON as part of WP1- exploring theoretical design of colloidal light source. She finished her PhD in Theory of Nanophotonics in her 90s in Spain, then was literally disconnected from professional career during the maternity leave, as there was no internet. On the contrary her male colleagues were fathers at that time, they continued to persuade their postdoctoral stays right after their thesis defence, and used to attend research conferences more frequently.

Nerea’s time came when her kids where in age of 11 and 5, she did postdoc in Finland in the field of density functional theory and now she is associated professor at University of the Basque Country – UPV/EHU. She continued in the emergent field of plasmonics in photonics, which is the reason why she participates in the POSEIDON project. How the situation with gender inequality evolved through her eyes?

❗ “In Her Shoes” podcast, uncovers the journey and life of women in science 👩‍🔬 and it is hosted by Jana Mwangi. This episode was produced by AMIRES with the support of the POSEIDON